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Free Guide: 5 Tips to Avoid Deductible & Eligibility Issues in the New Year

July 31, 2023
5 Tips to Avoid Deductible & Eligibility Issues

5 Tips to Avoid Deductible & Eligibility Issues in the New Year

Does the beginning of the year give you a headache because of all the benefit verifications and deductibles restarting? Let our guide help you avoid costly issues. We'll cover:

  • How to make sure you're getting the right information from patients
  • How to insure proper benefit verifications
  • Navigating deductibles and in-network vs out-of-network billing
  • Properly filing for office visit codes in the beginning of the year
  • Advice for Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Dietitans/Nutritionists, LMTs and PTs

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